Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Things have been quiet this week as Aimee still hasn't recovered from the chickenpox.  I've had about eight houre sleep in the past two nights and I've been glad of a day in the house with my feet up.  I love to read and after Aimee was born it was one thing I just never seemed to have time for anymore.  I'm glad to say now she is three there is plenty of time to indulge in a good book.

I have a bit of a thing for vampire stories (the Jaz Parks series and the House of Night series are the best).  It's amazing how each book I read portrays vampires in such different ways.  I am also slightly in love with New York.  I haven't been yet but I've read and dreamed about it for years.  I am hoping to go for my 30th on a serious girls holiday:)  I tend to buy a book just because the story is based in New York and so far the best is I Heart New York.  Its about a woman who moves to New York and ends up starting a blog.  You should give it a read.

While I love my collection of books I was converted to the kindle at Christmas.  Up to 3500 books at the tips of my fingers if I wanted!  Its so easy to download books and in most cases cheaper.  The kindle is small enough to fit easily into my bag and when you go on holiday it saves a load of space in the suitcase.  For anyone considering it I would recommend this model. You can literally be lying on a beach in spain and download a book in 60 seconds.

The plant was an early mothers day pressie from Aimee.


  1. Ohhh, I love my Kindle too, but I do have to alternate it with "real" books, as I miss the feel and smell of them!
    You absolutely need to go to NY. I went 7 years ago and it lives up to and exceeds your every expectation. And, the people are SO FRIENDLY!
    I'm desperate to go back soon!

    xxx Maddie

  2. yay nyc!!! i still havent read i heart new york really must read it asap and give it back to you saying its yours! :) x

  3. I'm one of those ppl who love reading the old fashioned way so I"m not sure how I would react to the kindle lol. But it does sound really tempting:)

  4. I'm getting a Kindle for my 3 days time! I'm so excited to get my mits on it. Good choice of case, I'm getting a red one too!

  5. Thank you for your comment hun :) The fresh air definitely helped!I really hope you and your lil girl is feeling better soonies!
    I love these photos :) I don't think I could ever be converted to a Kindle or Ipad, there's nothing better then turning the page of a book!Memoirs of a Geisha is one of my favourites :)

    Hope your both feeling better this week xx

  6. i look holding realy books too much to try a kindle plus i don't like reading of the computer but they do sound amazing and save so much room and money. maybe i'll try it one day

    Bow Dream Nation xx
