Sunday, 17 July 2011

A Week in Words

Sorry for the lack of posts this week but I've had the nicest week off work and I can't believe its over already!

Monday - lazy lie on and a play day at home for me and Aimee before a BBQ at Paul's mum and dads.  Paul and Aimee went to the 11th night bonfires but I was too tired so I snuck off to bed.

Tuesday - Paul and Aimee went to watch the bands play while I watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. We had all our friends over for the rest of the day for another BBQ and plenty of banter.

Wednesday - me, Vicki and Lyanne hit the outlet for some shopping before lunch at Pizza Hut and then the cinema to see Bridesmaids.  Paul's parents came to ours for tea.

Thursday - spent a lovely day out with Aimee and my sister, Debbie, running errands and having a good rummage round Lakeland.

Friday - Aimee and I had a girly day together painting nails and shopping.  We got her a school bag and she looks so cute with it on as its huge.

Saturday - we had a family day out to Tollymore Forest with a fun walk round the forest in the rain before a picnic in the car.  Aimee had a ball splashing in puddles and getting soaking wet.  We spent the rest of the day in Newcastle before an early night as we were exhausted. 

Sunday - the weather is awful so we are going to have a quiet day in before getting a takeaway with Debbie and Conor.

I haven't even been near my laptop all week so I can't wait to see what you've all been up to.  Here are a couple of pics of some of the goodies I got this week.

The owl necklace and flower hair clip were a bargin £1 each in the New Look sale and the Oasis dress was just £10!  I am saving the picture of Aimee with her school bag until she is all dressed up in her uniform....can't believe it has come around so quick.


  1. love the new purchase jo!! :) xo

  2. beautiful the necklace...pretty dress

  3. £1 in the sale - what a bargain x

  4. gorgeous dress - bargain for £10!
    Julia @ Retro Jules
