Sunday, 3 April 2011

To All The Mummies Out There...


I hope you all have a great day today.  I was lucky enough to be woken up to breakfast in bed this morning and in a while we are heading out to the park for some family fun and then shopping this afternoon....bliss.  I have decided all washing, ironing and other such chores can wait today (apart from washing Aimee's school uniform, which I volunteer Paul to do lol) 

What are your plans for mother's day?  I should mention we are making time to visit both our mum's today with the usual cards and gifts.  I love the fact both our parents live just around the corner and if we want to see them we can be there in five minutes.  This was especially helpful when I'd just had Aimee and had no clue what I was doing! 

I'm going to leave you with some more pics from Portballintrae.  I braved shorts (all be it with tights) which made me realise I only really owned that one proper pair so I bought two new pairs yesterday:) I have a confession.....I still have my maternity shorts from having Aimee which do not fit at all but I was putting off buying new ones incase my post pregnancy body looked ridiculous in them.  When the sun appears again I'll put them on to show you guys.

After looking at these photos I realised what a mess my hair was so I decided it was time for a change.  Part one - the cut , is complete and part two - the colour, is coming this week.  Here's a sneeky peek of my new shorter hair.  Better pics to come I promise ( I really need to smile more!)


  1. Happy Mother's Day!
    I really like your jumper and necklace, and the weather looks beautiful over there x

  2. What gorgeous pictures, and I LOVE your necklace xo

  3. Ah lovely Portbalintrae, my auntie and uncle live there and my parents have a holiday home over in Bushmills =) love it round those parts so much!! love your necklace and the jumping beach shots =)

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  4. Here is on May :D how was the day?


  5. This is a lovely post hun :) I'm glad you had a lovely Mother's Day!
    I'm loving the new design on the blog as well,it looks great :)

    Hope you have a good week xx
