Monday, 10 October 2011


I tried but I'm afraid juggling work, the house, Aimee and school and my blog has proved to be too much for me.  Going into this I wasn't sure what to expect from blogging but I can honestly say I loved sharing a bit of myself with you and joining you all on your own individual journeys. 

I have learnt a lot about myself through this experience and gained a great deal of confidence.  I have to say a big thank you to you all for that.  I can't tell you how much it meant to me each time you stopped by and left a comment, especially those of you who became followers.  I wish you all the best of luck for the future and will continue to follow your blogs and catch up on where life is taking you.

A special thank you has to go out to Vicki who designed my blog for me and helped me week after week by taking photos and encouraging me.  Maybe one day when Aimee is older and life isn't so hectic I'll try again......only time will tell.


  1. ooo no such a shame I love your blog and was just thinking today, you've haven't blogged in a while. It is hard juggling a busy life and a blog though, I think I'm addicted now....hope to see you back soon xx

  2. Aww Jo. Sad face. Maybe stop by once in a while and update us? xxx Maddie

  3. Awww...and I was just checking your blog earlier in the hope of an update. Well best of luck with everything and hopefully down the line you'll rejoin us :)

  4. Aw Jo, I think we started our blogs around the same time so you've been there right from the beginning for me! Your life sounds way busier than mine and I have trouble blogging a lot of the time too so I completely know where you're coming from. Good luck and all the best :) x
